What was ORM-D?
This was a material that was packaged and distributed in a form suitable for retail sale or consumption by individuals for purposes of personal care or household use.
Is ORM-D Gone?
Yes! As of December 31, 2020, hazmat shippers are no longer able to use the ORM-D Consumer Commodity marking on packages containing limited quantities of low risk hazardous materials. Packages must be marked with the new Limited Quantity marking in accordance with the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 49, Section 173.156.
What Happened to ORM-D Shipments on January 1, 2021?
Here’s some good news: For the most part, the same materials, in the same quantities, in the same packaging, will continue to qualify for relief under US DOT’s limited quantity regulations after ORM-D is phased out. When PHMSA began the ORM-D phase out in 2011, they also expanded the limited quantity exceptions to include the same reliefs povided by ORM-D. Please contact us if you have additional questions or if you need additional employees HAZMAT trained.