Hazardous Materials Training Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Does this class meet Federal and State DOT requirements?
  2. How often does this training need to be done?
    Every 3 years. 
  3. I went through this course before, is there just a refresher course I can take?
    This course meets the requirements for both initial and refresher training. 
  4. I don’t ship any hazmats, why do I need this training?
    If you deliver hazmat parts  (see #9) or return items to the manufacturer, yes you do. 
  5. Is this a new regulation?
    Actually, the law has been around since 1990. 
  6. Does everyone in our parts or service department need to be certified?
    No, only those involved in transport (shipping and delivery.) 
  7. Will this certify me to ship with FedEx and UPS?
  8. What are some items that are classified as hazmats?
    Batteries, Airbags, Seatbelt Pre-Tensioners, Shock Absorbers, Struts, Freon(12 & 134a), Gasoline, Paint and Thinner, Helium, Oxygen, Acetylene, Spray Paint, Brake Cleaner and many more. 
  9. Do our parts delivery drivers need to be certified?
    If they deliver the items above, yes. 
  10. How often do you offer these classes?
    In most major cities, at least 1 time every 3 years. 
  11. I have had hazmat training through the fire department, is this the same?
    No. Fire department training is for emergency response, this focuses on shipping and transportation.